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How Network Solutions Puts One Customer's Domain Management Needs at Center Stage

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John Monteleone is no stranger to drama. Not the kind where your family argues at Thanksgiving dinner. The other kind. The kind that takes place on a stage.

As a former professor of theater, a playwright and an actor, he’s very familiar with plot twists, cliffhangers and sudden reversals of fortune.

But when it came to his online business, Hamptons Web Design, those same surprising characteristics that make evenings at the theater so special weren’t exactly what he was looking for.

John wanted consistency and credibility. To make his Act I a success, he needed to work with a partner that knew domains as well as he knew web design. This is the story of how he found what he was looking for with Network Solutions.

Download the case study today to learn more, and be sure to check out Network Solutions' Platinum service for all of your domain management needs.