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How Well Do You Understand the Internet? An eBook Guide for Business Professionals

account_circle Network Solutions Team
Internet Data

Key Takeaways:

Maximizing Your Digital Footprint Within the Vast  Internet

  • Many businesses aren’t capitalizing on their web presence, so we published an eBook designed to help called “Troubleshooting the Internet.”
  • Our eBook will better educate you on how the Internet functions so you can improve your website or eCommerce site.
  • It will tell you how to register a domain name and whether you need website hosting.
  • In this eBook, you’ll also discover how to make your website more secure.


One of your biggest, most impactful employees might be one you didn’t hire and don’t fully understand. Mismanagement of this critical resource could be holding your business back, preventing you from reaching your next customer.

We’re talking about the internet. Around the world, a huge portion of business happens online. eCommerce continues to grow significantly, representing 11.2 percent of all U.S. retail sales by the third quarter of 2019 and outpacing general merchandise sales at brick-and-mortar stores. But the internet is driving your business even if you don’t have an online store. Every time a prospective customer visits your website, checks out your online information or even emails you, you’re using the power of the internet to further your business.

The question is, do you understand exactly how the internet works so you can make it work better for you?

If you can’t confidently say “yes!,” don’t panic. Network Solutions has written an eBook to demystify the internet and make information technology more accessible to everyone—even if you’re no tech whiz.

Questions We Answer in the eBook

Ever wondered just what a website domain is? What do you need from your domain name? How do you register a domain name so you can use it for your business (and so no one else can take that name)?

What about website hosting? Do you need a server to host your own website? How exactly does hosting work anyway? Should you be paying someone to host your website, and how do you know which company to choose? And what the heck is FTP all about?

Then there’s website security to worry about. Data breaches are in the news every day, resulting in significant costs for businesses, both financially and in terms of their reputation and standing with customers. How do SSL certificates help, and do you need one?

How do you create and program your website? What are directories? Should you use WordPress? Whose needs should you be considering in designing your website, and how can you take different customers’ needs into account when setting up your website? What about online stores—should you have one, and if so, how do you set it up so you can start doing business right away?

Finally, how does email really work? What’s SMTP? How about IMAP and POP? Do you really need to understand all of those acronyms? What email addresses should you have for your business, and how do you establish and monitor those inboxes?

We have the answers to all of those questions and more.

Why Network Solutions Wrote This eBook

We see a lot of confusion every day about how the internet works. Even though internet terminology surrounds us, most people don’t know what specialized terms like “HTTP,” “SSL” or “FTP” actually mean. That means they don’t know the best way to optimize how their businesses use the internet.

We wrote this eBook to fill that education gap. It can help you:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of how the internet works so you can get more from your website, online store and email;
  • Onboard new employees, so they can do things the right way from the start; and
  • Answer questions when they inevitably pop up, serving as a durable reference guide.


There’s another reason we wrote this book: we’ve been internet experts since the dawn of the internet. Network Solutions was the world’s first domain registrar, starting in 1991 with our work for the U.S. Department of Defense and the National Science Foundation.

Don’t let a superficial or incomplete understanding of the internet hold your business back. Get your copy of “Troubleshooting the Internet” today.


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