A ‘provisioned’ mailbox refers to the number of mailboxes that are allocated/available within a certain product. Once a customer sets up a mailbox by assigning a username and domain to the mailbox and registered by ICANN*, it is considered ‘configured’.
The number of provisioned boxes will be reduced to reflect the amount in the list for that product; within your account manager, you will be able to see the new number of available mailboxes (available mailboxes = total provisioned boxes minus the number of configured boxes).
Configured mailboxes with activity within the past 12 months; configured Email boxes which are inactive will be automatically deleted and messages, contacts, calendars, and folders are not recoverable. To maintain configured mailboxes which are used infrequently, login asap and at a minimum more frequently than once every 12 months.
For customers who have configured a total number of boxes that is above the new number of provisioned Email boxes for the product purchased, the account will keep all configured / active Email boxes. The number of boxes will remain unless the Customer Account Administrator unconfigures a box, in which case, the box will be deprovisioned and therefore no longer available.
*ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is nonprofit organization responsible for registering domain names.