For Individuals
with 1-year term
Email and productivity solutions for small businesses.
with 1-year term
Pro | Pro+ |
Pro Email using your domain |
Email Storage |
25 GB |
80 GB |
Drive file storage |
Syncs mail accross all your devices |
Shared Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks |
Secure mail with Guard Encryption |
IncludesWord Processing, Spreadsheet, and Presentation Tool |
Award Winning Customer Support |
Real people, real customer support
Your time is valuable, leave it to us.
It's easy to get an email address. The first step is choosing your domain name. Once you've registered your domain you can use it as your email address with any of our email products (for example, [email protected]). After purchasing the email solution that's best for you, set up your email boxes using your domain. Simple step by step instructions to help set up your email are available in your Account Manager.
No. Domain names are not included as part of our email packages. You may register one through Network Solutions or use one you already have. But remember a domain name is required to activate and personalize your email boxes.
No. Having your domain registered with Network Solutions is not required. If you plan to use a domain that is not registered with Network Solutions simply enter the domain name when you are prompted to do so during set-up. You will then be given specific DNS information which you can input into your domain provider’s DNS settings. However, if you do have a domain name with Network Solutions, it’s even easier. All you have to do is simply select the domain name from the list that will be presented to you.
Yes. Threats to your email security will always be present, but with our email products, you will dramatically reduce junk mail that clogs your inbox and reduce your vulnerability to troublesome viruses. Our email products feature best in class spam and virus protection.
How can we help you?
Our business consultants can help you find the right solution at the right price. Get exclusive deals and savings by contacting our experts today.
Hours: M-F 8am-9pm ET