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Show up in search results with our
SEO tool

Simple SEO is the tool you need to improve your
search rankings and online visibility

screenshot of a real estate search result with an image of a house on a laptop

Simple SEO features

Simple SEO puts the website optimization in your hands and guides you through each step. As a bonus, you gain a solid understanding of good SEO.

Complete SEO plan

Simple SEO provides an easy, step-by-step action plan to help your website increase search engine traffic. We also include a local search optimization plan — you'll be part of the fastest growing area of search!

Track your progress

Our easy-to-understand reports and customized dashboard helps you to measure your site's performance. You'll be able to understand where your sales are coming from, see where your customers are located, and learn how your keywords rank.

Keyword ranking tool

Our Simple SEO’s software uses multiple algorithms to analyze and evaluate your website for the keywords you specify and creates a customized set of actions that will help improve your website's rankings in Google and other popular search engines.

Simple SEO


For a 1-year term*

  • Step-by-step, customized action plan check
  • Guidance on what actions to take check
  • Make the changes on your own schedule check
  • Includes insights and tracking check

Why Simple SEO?

Ever wonder why your business doesn't show up at the top of the results of search engines like Google®, Bing® or Yahoo!®? Many businesses who are high on the results list have specifically tailored their sites to get found by these engines—and, as a result, by the people who use search engines every day to do research and make purchasing decisions. The process of tailoring your site is called "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO) and can deliver real results for your business.

*$33.25/mo pricing reflects the monthly cost when purchasing in-full, upfront, for a one year term. This service is on auto-renew. Customers on a monthly billing cycle are billed every four weeks. Pricing is subject to change at the sole discretion of Network Solutions.

How it works

Man sitting at a table with a laptop and coffee cup in front of him

Customized plans

You'll begin by answering a few questions regarding your site and your business (including industry and location). Then you will use our keyword targeting tool to identify which keywords will have the highest impact for your site. With these inputs, Simple SEO will then create your customized action plan.

Take small actions for big results

Simple SEO then guides you through easy to complete, bite-sized tasks that will improve your site's visibility on search engines. These tasks are bucketed into sections, including link-building, on-site optimization, local search, and social media.
woman sitting at a desk while working on a laptop
African America woman working on a laptop while holding a notebook

Measure your improvement

Monitor your site's performance with our easy to understand reports and customized dashboard. Track your success and learn ways to continue to improve your ranking!


Simple SEO is a Web-based solution that was designed as a one stop shop for you to optimize your site and gain a broad SEO education in easy, bite-sized steps. Simple SEO helps users understand SEO through a personalized SEO action plan and performance tracking reports to ultimately increase your site's reach and sales.

No, the goal of Simple SEO is to help you gain valuable insights on maximizing SEO. Any prior knowledge of SEO is a bonus! If you do run into any problems, an SEO expert or fellow user is always available to provide assistance.

No, the instructions to complete the various tasks are written so that anybody can follow along accordingly.

No, Simple SEO recommends tactics and tips that are fully endorsed by the search engines themselves.

No, Simple SEO is a web-based platform allowing you to access it anywhere at any time. No updates or complicated installation processes required.