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Flash File Integration (customer must provide files)
If you have Flash that you would like to have included in your new site, we will integrate the files you provide.
Creation of Simple Photo Faders (5-8 images or less)
We can create a simple photo fader which will show images rotating with a transition effect. We can create one element per site (including up to 8 images).
Embed Video Provided in: .flv, .mov , .swf, .wmv
If you have a video file in .swf (for Standard and Custom Web design services) or .mov or .flv (for Custom Web design services only), we can embed the video file into your new website.
Embed YouTube® Video Link
If you have video that you would like in your new site, we will integrate the link you provide. We do not support creation of a YouTube account or conversion of video files.
Link to .avi, .mov or .mp4
If you have a video file in .avi, .mov or .mp4 format that you would like to have included in your new site, we will link the files you provide into your new site. This will require a user to save or open the file to view.
Provide Links to Online Resources
If you have documents or affiliate sites you would like to provide to your guests, we can integrate links to these resources on your new site.
Embed Audio Provided in: .swf, .mp3, .wav (permission to use audio must be provided)
We can integrate an audio file into your new website .swf (for Standard and Custom Web design services) and .mp3 or .wav (for Custom Web design services only). We must receive written consent for usage of the file prior to integration.