Domain names are a key part of your organization’s web presence. They protect your intellectual property, act as hubs for one or more brands and support storefronts and marketing campaigns. Managing a corporate domain portfolio of any size can be quite complicated, however.
There are many technical considerations to think about, such as understanding and using the Domain Name System (DNS), deciding who oversees the portfolio and defining which stakeholders will undertake which duties. Monitoring and maintaining your domain portfolio also has financial impacts that you’ll need to consider.
So where do you start when it comes to domain portfolio management? With so many factors on the table and further complexities arising as you expand your portfolio, how can you make a plan that helps you keep everything on track?
The good news is we have the answers you’re looking for. Our new eBook, “A Complete Guide to Corporate Domain Management,” provides guidance covering a range of decisions and factors to consider with regard to your domain portfolio, including:
… and more.
By the time you’ve finished reading, you’ll have the information you need to manage your corporate domain portfolio with confidence.
Download your free copy today and discover how to make corporate domain portfolio management simpler and easier for you and your organization.
Image: Shutterstock